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Button System

Along with the LCARS website system is a very intuitive LCARS button creation system. With this system you can make an array of different buttons.

The button system is built right into the LCARS jquery plugin. All you need to do is use it. Here is a simple mark-up of how you do that.

	rounded: 'both', // accepts both, left, right, none

	extended: false, // this is true or false
	color: 'orange',
	subTitle: { // The sub title for your button
		direction: 'none', // left or right
		text: '' // the text for the sub title
	blank: 'none', // blank button? left / right / none

	debug: false

As you can see in this graphic the button system is very simple to understand. If I wanted to create a pink button that simpley said "login" I would do the following.

$('.login').lcarsButton({ color: 'pink' });
<span class="login">Login</span>

↓ This would be my result Login If you need this explained on a deeper level please feel free to PM me on username Garrett00